Opt-In Surveys

Square one of audience research is maintaining a detailed profile of your customers – knowing who they are in terms of demographics and family lifecycle, how they relate to your organization as ticket buyers and donors, and why they come (or don’t come).
The Demographics and Buyer Behavior Survey generates a multi-dimensional profile of ticket buyers. Results can be used as an input to institutional planning and to inform funders, sponsors, and other external stakeholders about your audience.

Survey topics include: tenure, recency, frequency, series selection (customized), travel time/method of transportation, subscriber status, donor status, loyalty, social context of attendance, reasons for attending, barriers to more frequent attendance, price sensitivity, initiator status, late buying behavior, use of discount ticket brokers, accessibility needs, household size and composition, length of residence, languages spoken, and demographic characteristics (age, gender, race/ethnicity, relationship status, employment status, work location, occupation, artist status, educational attainment, household income, identification with LGBTQ+ communities, and political values).
Level of customization: Limited. You may choose to include or exclude certain questions on the survey. One optional question, if selected, requires customization: series, program category, or venue (for organizations with multiple product lines or venues), for the purposes of filtering results by product line.
To maximize cohort learning, participants in all cohorts must agree to share their results with other participating organizations through the WolfBrown dashboard. After the cohort concludes, aggregated results will be shared with the larger field through the Audience Outlook Monitor community. Note that 2024 Open Cohort participants will only see the results of the 2024 Open Cohort, and Flinn Foundation Cohort participants will only see results of the Flinn Foundation Cohort in their dashboard.
For more information about this survey, contact Alan Kline, Director of Audience Research Programs at WolfBrown at alan.kline@wolfbrown.com.
Demographics and Buyer Behavior Survey

Demographics and Buyer Behavior Survey Cohort
$1,350 - $1,950 USD based on Tier Number
+$300 USD Surcharge when purchased On-Demand
Credit card required for purchase. Please read our terms and conditions before purchasing.
If you have any questions or concerns, please e-mail Alan Kline, Director of Audience Research Programs at WolfBrown, at alan.kline@wolfbrown.com for assistance.