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Through its Audience Outlook Monitor program, WolfBrown provides turn-key capacity-building services to arts funders, agencies and service organizations. Available services include:


  • Seminars and workshops on a range of topics (immersive experiences, customer loyalty, impact assessment, research methods)

  • Support for post-event feedback surveying for program-level assessment 

  • Access to our four basic, standardized surveys, either on-demand or as a cohort, on a timetable of your choice (e.g., you might support one survey cohort per year, rotating through the four basic surveys)

  • Access to our special topic surveys, such as the IDEA Study and the Donor Motivations Survey, either on-demand or as a cohort

  • Customized research exercises that address issues and topics specific to your community

Generally, we provide these services to funders and agencies on three bases: 


  1. A per-cohort pricing model in which partners pay a flat amount to sponsor of cohort of organizations in a specific survey; the price will vary based on the specific survey, and based on the size of the cohort 

  2. An all-access pricing model in which partners pay a flat amount per organization per year for unlimited access to all Audience Outlook Monitor surveys; in this model, we meet with organizations individually to make a research plan for each year

  3. Seminars and workshops are priced upon request, based on the unique needs of the partner


Generally, mid-sized and larger organizations are most likely to benefit from the surveys, as they have larger databases and therefore are able to generate larger numbers of completed surveys for analysis purposes.



We are happy to discuss your capacity-building needs at any time. Please contact Alan Kline, Director of Audience Research Programs at


Current and Past Capacity-Building Partnerships


  • Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation

  • Arts Boston

  • ArtsWave

  • Audiences Norway

  • Chamber Music America

  • CultureSource

  • Flinn Foundation

  • Fred A. and Barbara M. Erb Family Foundation

  • Greater Pittsburgh Arts Council


  • League of American Orchestras

  • League of Chicago Theatres

  • Los Angeles County Department of Arts and Culture

  • New Jersey Theatre Alliance

  • Ontario Arts Council

  • Professional Association of Canadian Theatres

  • TDF

  • Theatre Bay Area

  • Theatre for Young Audiences/USA

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